Celebrate Good Times!
On a high!
Well, what a month it’s been! We really have been on a high with lots of fabulous goings on…
We’ve had a run of fantastic fairs, both close to home (thank you Sherborne Country Fair) and further afield (great first visit to Suffolk - thanks for the welcome). We’ve exhibited at our first Polo match and had a ‘Pretty Woman’ moment of taking to the pitch and stomping in the divots, followed by a Gin, Fizz & Food Festival the next day (it’s a hard job, but someone’s got to do it!). Everyone seemed to enjoy sampling our ‘Lime & Juniper’ fragrance alongside tasting the tipples on offer - a lovely day in the gorgeous location of Woodlands Castle, Taunton - which always reminds us of ‘The Notebook’ film - you’ll know what we mean if you’ve seen it!
A couple days later, we ran a Fragrance Workshop at our beautiful stockists in Hestercombe House & Garden, The Lavender Rooms Hair & Beauty Salon - lots of laughter and sampling of essential oils over prosecco and canapes with their lovely customers.
This was followed by a trek, early the next morning, to the Wealden Times Midsummer Fair in Kent. We absolutely loved the feel of this fair -, which managed to combine the essence of an idyllic village fete with stunning stalls - from boho clothes to foodie treats, intricate jewellery to gins galore - we loved it all! We met lots of new customers on the sunshiney Thursday, but did a baton hand over to our husbands on Friday morning, when they valiantly took over our stall, to enable us to make a dash back to Somerset.
Dressing up…
The reason for our return? We were lucky enough to be finalists in the Successful Women in Business Awards New Business category, and so we made it back (by the skin of our teeth!) in time for the Awards ceremony. It was lovely to meet all the women there - to hear their stories and successes… and nice to have an excuse to dress up for a change, instead of being layered up for the unpredictable British weather at all our fairs!
To top off the night we actually won the Award - how chuffed were we?! It was a real honour, especially when we heard about the number and calibre of all the other candidates, and the span of the area covered. We are really humbled, because we feel we are just muddling along, trying hard to make it happen.
No rest for the wicked though, as this was swiftly followed by attending the Royal Three Counties Show and then the Axe Vale Show - phew!
And in amongst all that? There have been family celebrations (surprise 70th birthday party and girly trips), sighs of relief with the end of GCSEs and 2nd year Uni exams, and congratulations - as our children get jobs, University places and placements.
And relax!
So, we’re now going to make some time for letting our hair down a bit - watch out for Nikki on TV as she’s off to Glastonbury (#nohairdryer - eek!) and Alex will be having some downtime with family in a forest getaway to continue to mark that never-ending 70th birthday. Happy days...